Enjoy Happy Healthy You! - our podcast about living a joy-filled life with balance in body, mind and spirit.
Hungry For More
Guest: Julie Reisler
A little Joy Camp recap and some exciting news from our favorite empowerment strategist.
Your Body’s Wisdom
Guest: Dr. Michele Somers Colon
Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga and relies on the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself.
The Power of Positive
Guest: Michelle McQuaid
What is positive psychology and how can working with the principles increase your happiness? Powerful vibes from down under in this podcast.
Nourished Woman
Guest: Nina Manolson
What would it feel like to be a nourished woman? You know what you should do to take care of yourself, but you’re busy and it’s just not happening. You’re not trying to be perfect, you just want to feel better, look great, be healthy and love yourself fully – body and soul. You want to make authentic choices that respect your body’s need for true nourishment and self-care. If this rings true, this podcast is for you. XO
Extreme Self Care: Sacred Baths
Guest: Paulette Sherman
A breast cancer survivor, author, psychotherapist, wife, and mom. Paulette Sherman talks about her recipe for stress-reduction, happiness, and wellness through sacred bathing.