Enjoy Happy Healthy You! - our podcast about living a joy-filled life with balance in body, mind and spirit.
“F” Words and Resolutions
Guest: Julie Reisler
If you’re at all like me, resolutions every year are somewhat flaky. But I am working on it with a little help from my friend and favorite Empowerment Strategist.
Are You an Empath?
Guest: Rose Rosetree
According to Rose Rosetree, one in twenty of us has empath skills of some sort. Have you ever wondered if you were one of these super-sensitive humans? Rose Rosetree is back to talk about just what it means to be an empath, how to protect yourself if you are, and how to improve your skills.
How Not to Die
Guest: Michael Greger
Just in time for your New Year’s resolutions, here’s a promising (and lively) conversation about some proactive lifestyle changes we can all make. Learn how to avoid illness and prolong your life. Happy Healthy New Year!
Family Secrets: Loving an Addict
Guest: David Brown, Intervention Specialist
The holidays can be a struggle for many of us, but especially for those suffering with addiction or newly in recovery. For family and friends who want to support a loved one, here’s a fresh look at addiction, ideas for getting a loved one into treatment, and how love and connection are key. May you and yours enjoy a beautiful holiday filled with love and light, joy and peace.
Yin for the Holidays
Guest: Jessie Kates
Take a deep breath and sloooww down! “When?” you say. “After I shop, wrap, bake, clean, mail the Christmas cards…” Here’s a suggestion for you, and some really important reasons why you might try goin’ Yin before the holidays are over.
Check out Messages from Mat, our inspirational journal for Yogis of all ages. Makes a great Holiday gift for the yoga fan in your life.