Enjoy Happy Healthy You! - our podcast about living a joy-filled life with balance in body, mind and spirit.
The Deadly Trap of the Win-Lose Game
Guest: Kingsley Smith
Kingsley proposes that the roots of violence and war stem from the age-old mindsets that support competition over cooperation. Shifting out of these ancient ways of thinking could just be the key to lasting peace.
A God Thing
Guest: Charles Finn
When Charlie Finn released his first poem Please Hear What I’m Not Saying, he had no idea how it would impact so many lives. Almost fifty years later, the beautiful poem has touched hearts around the planet.
Written All Over Your Face!
Guest: Face Reading Expert and Author, Rose Rosetree
Physiognomy, or Face Reading, is an ancient art. Rose Rosetree helps us interpret faces to learn who we are inside.
Guest: Chef AJ
Eating an unprocessed plant-based diet changed her life more than 36 years ago. Since then, Chef AJ has made it her mission to share the benefits of this diet with as many people as she can.
Happy Healthy Kids!
Guest: Nakia Porter
Raw food expert Nakia Porter is back to talk about getting our kids to eat their veggies and some other helpful tips for new parents.